Aug 27, 2007

Changes in my policies.

I've made some changes in my "Preface" article. I'm no more writing at least an article per week but, I'll write whenever I am free. No rush and no pressure; this blog is just one of the mediums to express my thoughts and feelings.


Aug 24, 2007

[the original pic]

here is the edited version of the pic above

Aug 23, 2007

A moment of thought

Know your path and try
to understand it.

Always see the beauty

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For while knowledge defines all we currently know and understand, imagination points to all we might yet discover and create." Albert Einstein

Inilah library kesayangan ku
bukan sahaja tempat belajar tapi juga tempat ku mencari ilham :D

My sweet teddy bear~

Aug 22, 2007

Summer training camp @ USA 07

Sorry, I broke my promise :( . I'd blame my laziness for not writing any posting recently.

Anyway, last two weekends, Latifah and I went to Lake of Ozarks at Missouri for attending a Summer Training Camp program. Instead of enjoying our holiday, we were really disappointed. We didn't blame the STC program but it was about our journey to the location. The STC program was held for 3 days but due to some obstacles on our journey we just been there for almost 24 hours. Sigh, it's really not worth it! but maybe there is a hikmah in all that happens; trying to be

We could spend more time at the lake if only we didn't miss our flight that Saturday morning. Our flight was scheduled to depart at 6.00 o'clock in the morning but, somehow the Northwest Airlines opened their check-in counters so late and that was the beginning of our misfortune day. At first we decided to check-in through the "e-check in" machines at the airport but it didn't work out. We waited for more that an hour to check-in and at the moment they opened the counters, there was already a lot of people and everyone was rushed to make sure that they won't miss their flight. Can you imagine the havoc situation? Everyone was looking to check-in faster, yet there were only four counters opened. Then, when it came to our turn to check-in, the worker asked us to wait and be patient as she had to recheck-in a family of 11 people luggages. I felt so angered because my wristwatch showed that it's almost 15 minutes to 6:00 a.m. How could I patiently waited? I've missed my flight once before, so of course I didn't want it to happen again. To take it into account, we then decided to try to check-in at another counter. Alhamdulillah finally, we managed to check-in even though we already missed the flight. Then, we had been put for a standby for about an hour before they assigned us for other flights which were Newark-Minneapolis and Minneapolis-St. Louis instead of Newark-Detroit and Detroit-St. Louis.

Our obstacles didn't stop there...(to be continued)

Aug 20, 2007

Call on Allah in the GOOD times

From the Qur'an:
39:8 When some trouble touches man, he cries to his Lord,
turning to Him in repentance: but when He bestows a favour
upon him as from Himself, (man) forgets what he cried and
prayed for before, and sets up partners to Allah, thus
misleading others from Allah's Path. Say, "Enjoy your blasphemy
for a little while: verily you are (one) of the Companions of
the Fire!" 39:8

[Lessons from this verse] We normally reserve turning in
repentance to when troubled times come upon us. No, we are
equally commanded to turn in repentance when the mercy of
Allah is showered upon us, because that is the time so many
people attribute that mercy to other then Allah.

[Suggestions on how to implement this verse] in the "Free Stuff" section

With best wishes to see you succeed at the highest level!
- Muhammad Alshareef

Aug 5, 2007

How do we make benefit from our money?

The title might be sound bored to you but, there is a message that I'm trying to deliver here. Some people have so much money in their bank and others not. Alhamdulillah, so far I never face any financial problem through my entire life. Since I was in the boarding school, I always have money in my pocket - whether it was given by my parents or my sponsor. You know what, tonight my first AlMaghrib class has just ended. I'm glad that I made a right decision to join this class. I'm not only learn something that InshaAllah will benefit myself and my community but also met friends whose are so eager to increase their faith. Subhanallah!

On the way back to our homes, I really have a nice moment with them. We're talking to each other and sometimes laughing but still with the modesty and dignity. I can feel the ukhuwwah and may Allah will gather us again in the future. I feel so sad that I might not see them for awhile. In the middle of the our discussion while standing in the train, one of my friends mentioned about the upcoming AlMaghrib class in New Jersey this September. I can't wait to join this one since I realize that it worths to spend even USD 100++ for this double weekend class. Suddenly, while I'm feeling so happy to join it, this one girl said she have to forget about AlMaghrib classes for a long time. She said she don't have income money that could help her to attend the class. I feel so bad on her. I can see her sadness even though she tried to hide it from us. Then I said to myself, I wish my other friends here know what they are doing with their money. It's really common to see people with money wasting their wealth by "investing" to sth that is not beneficial to them but others who are a bit unlucky outside there do need it for gaining their knowledge.

Aug 4, 2007

Free Will?

Yeah...Free Will is the 6th Principle of Qada' and Qadar. I've just learned it in AlMaghrib class :)

We the humankind has free will on our actions.

The analogy goes like this; Here is a guy, whose name John Doe, bought a gun from a store in your area. He then shot a man and refused to be responsible for his action. He was brought for a trial as he refused to plead guilty. During his trial, he told the court that he's not the one who should be blamed for the shot but, the one who invented the gun. Do you think it's acceptable to blame the inventor? It sounds ridiculous, isn't it?

So the same thing explains why we shouldn't claim that it's Allah will for us to commit sins/bad deeds. He has given us the full authority to use those senses - sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell so, how could we pointed to Allah that He responsible for everything that we did. We are the one who control our actions, right. There are only few things that are not in our control like heartbeat, etc. Therefore, how do we know that Allah have written in the Luh Mahfuz that we are bad persons or we've been planned to do such bad deeds? Could we see the Unseen or the future? Let's think about it.

Scary moment!

Just now, I went back from a AlMaghrib seminar at NYU. It was really my second scary experience (my first scary experience is when i was drowning at Bukit Merah waterpark) when I had to walk alone all the way down from Hoboken Path Station to my room with raining and lightning strikes everywhere. It was around 11 p.m. and I could see not many cars on the road or people at the bars even though it's a Friday night. I totally forgot to bring my umbrella so, I really had to walk faster although I could feel pain in my legs. I felt so unlucky tonight. I just wanted to get home safely and didn't want to get wet. On my way back to Stevens, nothing crossed my mind except thinking about death. The lightnings really scared me. Suddenly, many bad news about the lightning strikes popped up into my mind and made me feel even worse. I was thinking that if I were dead, I'll regret it badly because I haven't done many good deeds in my life. So, I kept on praying to Allah to bring me home safely.

Alhamdulillah finally, I reached home safely. I feel so glad that He still gives me chance to breathing until this moment. So, I guess it's not really a bad day for me. I do learn something tonight which is don't just ask for Allah's help and support when encounter any hardships but remember Him in every time. Also, never procrastinate when we feel like doing something good things.

Aug 1, 2007

"News Bloopers" - It's so hilarious. But before that, let's pray for the victims of bridge collapsed

I've just read a breaking news about a bridge collapsed in Minneapolis. It's pretty scary and I can't imagine how those victims felt at the moment the incident occur. They must've thought it was the end of the world. I feel sorry for them and thank God it wasn't us. For the meantime, seven people were found dead and more than three dozen drivers and passengers were injured. No official announcement has been made about the total casualty, but the civil authority believes that its number will increase tomorrow.

Because I'm so eager to know more about the news, I surf through the internet to watch any videos regarding this incident. Then, somehow I came across this funny videos - "News Bloopers". It is so funny and I can't help but burst out laughing myself! Hope you like it too :)

Tv news bloopers 1

Tv news bloopers 2